Little Ilford’s Healthy Schools Week was packed with activities in January with the added aim of raising money for the British Heart Foundation.
Ms Thomas set up her regular table in the dining hall and this year, and as well as the “Guess the fruit/vegetable” competition, there was a raffle to raise money and awareness of the British Heart Foundation. Events during the week included a “wear something red day”, a bike kit sale and an after school badminton session open to students, parents and teachers.
A group of LIS students who regularly attend the Cycle Club on a Thursday, completed a sponsored cycle ride to Little Ilford Park to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. The students were excellent, braving the cold and muddy conditions to complete over 15 laps of the park, raising over £200 for the BHF, which will be added to our total raised so far of £480 and we’re hoping for it to top the £500 mark once all the sponsorship money is in.