Joan Sallis, who is an expert on school governors, wrote: "All important decisions about the school are made by or in consultation with the Governors." And she's right. So the Governors at Little Ilford take the big decisions about the school - like appointing the Head Teacher - and are involved in so many more.

Governors have to approve the school budget, approve the curriculum and ensure the school is meeting its legal obligations on issues such as equality and discipline. Mind you, we don't have to do it on our own, there is a lot of support from the council and training is available. Governors are also involved in disciplinary issues - such as exclusions, or very rarely staff discipline - but more happily are there to celebrate the school's successes, academically, artistically or in the many other areas at the school where success is found.

At Little Ilford, Governors have traditionally played a big role in helping to develop new policies and ways of working, such as the soft federation link-up we have with a number of local primary schools. Governors play a crucial role in the success and direction of the school through supporting and questioning the senior management.

Governors are drawn from all sections of the Little Ilford family - parents, members of the local community, council appointments, the Head, teachers and other members of the school staff. If you are interested in becoming a Governor at the school, or would like more information about what being a Governor entails, please write to the Chair, Simon Mares, at the school via email


Governors Information

Name and Positions

Governor Type

Mr Simon Mares

NPW Delegated Attendee (reserve) English, RSHE

Co-opted Governor

Flavia Tang

Vice Chair

Co-opted Governor

Ms Rebecca Hemming

CPD Mark, Curriculum, Governor’ Training Link, Library, Music, Pupil Premium, Training/CPD

Co-opted Governor

Ms Peg Probett

Design Technology, Inclusion

Co-opted Governor

Mr Andrew Finn

Headteacher (Member)


Mr Ian Powell

NPW Authorised Representative, Drama

Local Authority Governor

Mr Naresh Bhudia

Health & Safety

Co-opted Governor

Ms Joyce Pascal

Co-opted Governor

Ms Rahima Begum


Parent Governor

Mr Sukhminder Chawla


Co-opted Governor

Iqbal Hussain

Govs Forum Representative, IT

Co-opted Governor

Aliza Shaikh

NPW Authorised Rep

Parent Governor

Mr Rashmi Makwana

Safeguarding, Looked After Children

Parent Governor

Anisha Patel

Co-opted Governor
Marva Rollins Co-opted Governor
Tracey Invervary Associate
Chakshu Patel Associate


Governors Allowances Policy


Instrument of Government

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