
Ms R Samy

CTL History & Humanities

Ms A Andrea

Lead practitioner, History teacher

Ms S Butcher

SLT, History teacher

Ms J Evans

SLT, History teacher

Ms T Azam

History teacher

Ms N Tahsin

History teacher 

Mr O Cole

History teacher

Miss S Akhtar

CTL Citizenship and history teacher

Ms R Amin

CTL Citizenship and history teacher

Ms R Khanom History Teacher



Our aim is to provide a rich, adventurous history curriculum which enables students to develop into well-rounded individuals. Through the study of history, our students will grow a deep understanding of the events of the past, and they will learn how to analyse information and evidence in order to confidently make their own judgements. We want to provide coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world which will allow students to understand key events, groups and people that have played a pivotal role in shaping our world today. We want students to appreciate different cultures over time and attitudes of different societies that influence their own. This will help them develop a historical understanding of self and others. We will provide a curriculum that: gives our students the courage to question the past and evidence that they see; helps foster the commitment to their learning and their thinking; and encourages compassion in order to empathise with others. We want our students to develop an intellectual curiosity and a lifelong interest in the study of history. 


What will students learn? 

KS3 history is taught over three years from year 7 to 9. 

KS3 history gives opportunities for students to build on knowledge and skills supporting transition from primary to secondary school. Learning is in line with the National Curriculum. Students are given the opportunity to build on secondary skill concepts such as cause and consequences, significance, similarities and differences, using historical sources as evidence and interpretations. 


Students in Year 7 will learn: 


Term  Topic
Autumn 1

Why should we learn about the Normans today? 

Autumn 2

How did religion become an instrument of power in the medieval period? 

Spring 1

Why and how did  Parliament develop 1199-1307

Spring 2

What was Medieval Society like? 

If you could live in London or Baghdad, which would you choose? 

Summer 1

Why was there religious turmoil in Tudor England?

Summer 2

Why did the  English Civil War turn the world upside down? 1603-1688


Students in Year 8 will learn: 


Term Topic
Autumn 1

Why was the Transatlantlic slave trade established and why did it come to an end? 

Autumn 2

How did the enlightenment question the structures  of power? 

Spring 1

To what extent was there change in England during the Industrial Era

Spring 2

How significant was the British Empire in the 20th Century? 

Summer 1

What were the causes and consequences of the First World War?

Summer 2

How did countries try and fail to create long lasting peace in the 1920s and 1930s?


Students in Year 9 will learn: 

Term  Topic
Autumn 1

Rise of dictators : Which dictator had the biggest impact in the making of the modern world 

Autumn 2

What was life like during the Second World War?

Spring 1

Why should we remember the Holocaust?

Spring 2

What attempts have there been to establish peace in the Middle East as a result of the  Arab - Israeli conflict?

Summer 1

To what extent were the civil right movements in the US and UK successful?  1950s and 1960s

Summer 2

What was the impact and what are the legacies of migration history on the UK as a whole and immigrants themselves?


GCSE History

Exam Board: Edexcel GCSE (9-1) in History



Students in Year 10 will learn: 

Term Component Topic
Autumn 1 British Period Study Early Elizabethan Period 1558-1603
Autumn 2 British Period Study Early Elizabethan Period 1558-1603
Spring 1 Thematic Study Crime and Punishment c.1000-Present Day
Spring 2 Thematic Study  Crime and Punishment c.1000-Present Day
Summer 1 Thematic Study Crime and Punishment c.1000-Present Day
Summer 2   Exam Period and Work Experience


Students in Year 11 will learn:

Term Topic
Autumn 1 Modern Depth Study (Non-British)
Autumn 2 Modern Depth Study (Non-British
Spring 1 Modern Depth Study (Non-British
Spring 2 Non-British Period Study
Summer 1 Non-British Period Study 


The History GCSE Syllabus will consist of the following units:

Paper 1: Thematic study and historic environment (Taught in year 10) 

Content overview:  Crime and punishment through time, c1000–present

Written examination: 1 hour and 15 minutes

*Weighted 30% of the qualification*

Crime and Punishment is a thematic study of Britain  between c1000 - Present day. The study looks at the change and continuity of crime and punishment across British history. Students will look at the main people, events and developments, as well as significant features of the different ages, from medieval to present times. The study of Whitechapel c1870 - 1900 is a historic environment where students will investigate crime, policing and the inner city. 

Paper 2: Period study and British depth study (this consists of two period studies)

Content overview 2a: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88. (Taught in year 10)

Content overview 2b: Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941–91 (Taught in year 11)


Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes

*Weighted 40% of the qualification*

Elizabethan England 1558-1588 is a British period study that investigates how England was ruled under Queen Elizabeth I. The course focuses on the first 30 years of Elizabeth's reign. Students will focus on crucial events during this period, and study the different social, cultural, political, economic and religious changes that occurred. Early Elizabethan England unit consists of three key topics which explore the reign of Elizabeth I: Queen, government and religion, 1558–69, Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad, 1569–88, and Elizabethan society in the Age of Exploration, 1558–88

Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91 is the period study that investigates the causes of the Cold War, three of its key crises and the reasons it ended. Students will focus on crucial events during this period, and study the political, economic and military changes that occurred as a result. Superpowers relations and the Cold War unit explores the issues surrounding the ideological differences between the USA and the USSR and the crisis that occurred as a result of this. The unit covers three key topics: The origins of the Cold War, 1941–58, Cold War crises, 1958–70, and The end of the Cold War, 1970–91


Paper 3: Modern depth study (Taught in year 11)

Content Overview: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918 - 1939 

Written examination: 1 hour and 20 minutes

*Weighted 30% of the qualification*

Weimar and Nazi Germany is a modern depth study from 1918 to 1939. The study focuses on the origins of the Weimar Republic and the challenges it faced. The course also investigates why and how the Weimar Republic was dismantled by the Nazis and replaced by a Nazi dictatorship. You will focus on crucial events during this period, and study the different social, cultural, political, economic and military changes that occurred. This unit consists of 4 units: The Weimar Republic 1918–29, Hitler’s rise to power, 1919–33,  Nazi control and dictatorship, 1933–39 and Life in Nazi Germany, 1933–39


How students are assessed at GCSE

The course is taught in a variety of ways to embed learning and develop mastery skills in the subject.  Students are given the opportunity to discuss events and why they took place and evaluate what historical sources and interpretations say. Students are given opportunities to complete written assessments including past paper questions.  Extended writing is taught as a skill to use in exams and will be expected to reflect and improve upon your exam technique at regular intervals throughout the course.


Where will it take me? 

Studying history will open doors to a variety of aspirational career opportunities. History is a valued subject as you will develop your knowledge as well as critical thinking and analytical skills. The subject also helps to develop research and communication skills, extended and critical writing as well as problem solving skills. History can lead to careers such as law and in politics, however a history degree can also lead to careers in accountancy, project management, public services and business. 


What homework can I expect?

Teachers set homework weekly using SMHW and Google classroom.  We aim to create independent learners through the use of additional reading, revision and resources on Google classroom.  Homework is vital for success at all stages. Students may be asked to research a person, event or period, to revise, to apply knowledge to an exam/assessment question or to enhance learning after a specific lesson. Moreover, History does not remain in the past. We encourage students to watch the news regularly or to read a broadsheet . This will develop vocabulary as well as knowledge


How parents/carers can support their child

  • Check Show My Homework for set homework and ensure homework has been completed in a timely fashion

  • Buy revision guides for each GCSE topic, available to buy through parent pay

  • Encourage your child to revise and create revision resources like revision cards, mind maps and summaries

  • Encourage your child to log into active learn to access the classroom textbooks and extra resources

  • Encourage your child to practice exam questions and familiarise with the exam specification

  • Encourage your child to use revision platforms like Google classroom, Seneca and Youtube channels focusing on Edexcel History 9-1 content and exam skills. 

  • Encourage your child to use the internet appropriately when conducting research and not to copy and paste large sections from the site as their own work. It is important that students do the research independently and then write their findings independently

  • Encourage your child to read through their work and proofread their written work checking for spellings, punctuation and grammar


Possible Careers

  • Academic librarian

  • Archivist 

  • Archaeologist

  • Broadcast journalist

  • Civil Service administrator

  • Editorial assistant

  • Information officer

  • Heritage manager

  • Historic buildings inspector or conservation officer

  • Museum education officer

  • Museum or gallery curator

  • Museum or gallery exhibitions officer

  • PPC specialist

  • Politician's assistant

  • Secondary school teacher

  • Solicitor


Useful Websites

The following websites have been useful to students in research, homework or personal study:

ttps://  (GCSE students have access to e-textbooks using this link) (bitseize for edexcel)

How parents or other members of other public can find out more about the curriculum/syllabus you are following:


Name of person in the department who parents can contact if they need more information about your syllabus:

Mrs R Samy (Head of Humanities and History)



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