“Every teacher needs to improve, not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better.” (Dylan William)
Aims and Objectives:
The CPD policy at Little Ilford is intended to ensure that:
- There is an emphasis on lifelong learning and individual responsibility for learning at Little Ilford School.
- Our CPD is focused on outcomes for students, as evidenced in case studies produced by members of staff.
- The emphasis and focus on CPD for this year and next year is the development of a stimulating and appropriate three year Key Stage 3 curriculum
- There is a continual drive for excellence across the whole school community, evidenced through lesson observations and examination results.
- We provide the best possible learning experience for the students we teach.
- All staff have excellent pedagogical knowledge, understand best how students learn, develop and are kept safe and can design learning so that it meets the needs of all students.
- All staff have excellent subject knowledge at all levels, keep their knowledge up-to-date and are self-critical.
- The CPD which we provide is a model of innovation and creativity which is then reflected in the lessons we teach.
- Genuine professional trust is developed across the school so that there is a culture of trust, respect and scholarship.
- We systematically provide staff with the necessary learning and support to ensure that they meet the Teachers’ Standards and, where appropriate, Threshold Standards and Leadership Standards, through our CPD and through our Performance Development system.
- We create a culture where all staff strive for the highest quality of teaching and learning.
Principles and Procedures: what do we expect to see as a result of this policy
What do we expect to see at a whole school level?
- CPD is used both to systematically share good practice and research from within the organisation and across departments; it is used to highlight current research and best practice from outside the school and to share best practice with other schools.
- That there is a sustained programme of CPD which has a direct impact on classroom practice and on the progress of students, as measured and evidenced through case studies.
- That the planning of CPD in the school is driven by the needs of students and that this will be assessed as part of a consultative process, involving the Teaching and Learning team working with staff, students and governors.
- That CPD is an integral part of the meeting schedule at all levels. This means that SLT, Middle leader meetings, CTMs and JPTs will include professional development, focused on the needs of students.
- That there is a clear commitment to improvement and reflection from all staff which would be seen in CPD sessions, CTMs and JPTs but also in other mechanisms such as PICs.
- That CPD is prioritised by the school leadership, through planning (SPP), and by middle leaders through the MER, as well as through its status as compulsory and as part of directed time. The value placed on CPD will be evidenced in terms of the school budget.
- That the CPD offer complements a clear, ambitious curriculum and vision for student success.
- That there is a balance between school, subject and individual teachers’ priorities.
- That all staff understand the procedures to follow in order to further their learning or development.
- That there is a shared understanding of what excellent pedagogy and practice looks like in the form of the LIS toolkit and as evidenced through CPD and INSET sessions.