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Kofi Annan
Our students have started a reading blog where they give reviews of books they have recently read and enjoyed.
Plot Summary
John Smith is not an average teenager. He regularly moves town to town whilst changing his name and identity. He cannot tell anyone who he really because as soon as they find out the truth they run the risk of being caught by the mogadarians aliens who want to take over the earth just like john smiths’ world and he is one of the few survivors so he has to keep on the move or else they will hunt him down and kill him. but you can’t run forever.
So when he stops in paradise Ohio john decides to try and settle down to fit in and for the first time he makes some friends with people who he cares about and who care about him. Never in John's life has there been space for friendship or love only has he been on the run with his guard Henry.
But it’s only a matter of time before John's secret is revealed; he was one of nine. Three of them have been killed. John is number four and he is next.
The book was thrilling! Firstly, it is amazing how the writer developed this idea. The structure of the story was amazing and also the use of vocabulary pulls you into the story; it's almost as if you are seeing it you don’t have to even think really hard when you read this it just comes into your head. Secondly in my opinion, what made this truly special was how tense it was. Also you can never guess what is going to happen; the book is full of twists. It really does keep you wondering. Thirdly, and last of all, the book was filled with energy. Everything about it was incredible; from the characters to the battle scenes to sweet romantic ones it literally has everything: first love heartbreak (loss) aliens with powers called legacies beyond anything normal people would think about and the evil creepy villains I’ve ever read about.
I think the story was fantastic. I don’t think there is anything I would change however it is quite depressing and could be disturbing to a sensitive mind.
If you enjoy reading romantic thrilling adventures full of magic then I would recommend The Power of Six, The Rise of Nine, The Fall of Five, The Revenge of Seven, The Fate of Ten and United as One as they are the sequels written also by Pittacus Lore; it is filled with magic romance and adventures just like I Am Number Four. Also I would recommend witness by Nora Roberts. I personally have not read the book but it looks fantastic. lorien legacies I would say are the best books I have read.
By Muhammad in 8.3
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