Dear Parents/Carers,
Scrutiny Commission looking at the Relationship between Black Boys and the Borough – Brief for Focus Group for Parents/Carers:
What is the Scrutiny Commission Doing?
Its terms of reference is to conduct an in-depth review into Black boys and their relationship with the Borough, in particular as this relates to:
1. The social, political, criminal justice, economic, health, educational attainment and any other relevant social aspects impacting on or shaping the relationship between Black boys and the Borough;
2. Making recommendations to the Executive (The Mayor and Cabinet) through the Overview and Scrutiny Committee based on evidence taken through the course of the in-depth review
Why is it doing this?
Councillors on the Commission want to improve the lived experience (the lives) of Black Boys in the Borough. They want to understand what it is like to be a black boy living in Newham, what it is like to live, learn and play in the Borough. Once it has a better understanding of this, it will make recommendations to the Mayor which will hopefully make the lives of black boys even better.
It cannot do this by only talking about black boys. It is important to talk to teachers, parents, faith leaders, colleges, mental health providers, police and magistrates and others, but it is most important of all to hear directly from black boys themselves how they feel about their lives and what is good, not so good and what could be better.
For this review, the Commission would like to engage parents/carers of black boys.
These are the types of questions that might be asked:
- What are the particular challenges and barriers in bringing up black boys in Newham?
- What are your experiences that you would like to share?
- Do young people feel safe in the borough?
- What does Newham mean to them?
- Do you like living in Newham and do you feel that the borough adequately meets the needs of black boys?
Date/Time: Thursday 31st March 2022, 6-8pm
Location: Via Zoom (Joining instructions will be shared to those that book)
Number of parents/carers required: 10-12
If you would like to take part in this online focus group, please can you email me (Dawn Henry – dawn.henry@newham.gov.uk) by 22nd March 2022.
Please check that you are able to attend this focus group before signing up so that we have good attendance.