Newham Council have recently launched the new online Parenting Referral Form for professionals and parents/carers to complete to access a range of parenting programmes, workshops and interventions. To see a list of what is currently on offer, please view the updated Newham Parenting Offer webpage located on the Family Information Service website. They have programmes for parents of children with additional needs, parenting at different developmental stages, reducing parental conflict, keeping children safe online and within the community, Domestic Abuse and understanding teenagers.
This parenting offer will continue to be developed over the next year, ensuring that we provide evidenced-based interventions for all stages of parenting – from pregnancy right up to 18 years of age.
Parenting Programmes | Newham Families Advice and Support
To locate this webpage in the future, input ‘Newham Parenting’ into any search engine.
Once a Parenting Referral Form has been submitted, the referrer will receive a response within three working days.
From 4th April 2022, the existing parenting referral form (Word version) will no longer be accepted so please start to submit your referrals online. It is much easier to complete, saving you much time and energy.
For any parenting enquiries, please feel free to contact the Parenting Team - parenting@newham.gov.uk